Weight Loss Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ugh... off the wagon

Okay, so I'm back.  I was doing so well and then...well...not so much.  Where have I been you ask?  Well here is what's gone on in the last 5 months (or so) in a nutshell.

First I left Kansas, and went on a whirlwind 4 1/2 week vacation starting at the end of June.  We started in St. Louis for my hubby's Grandmother's 90th birthday.  All the extended family was there, and of course there was FOOD, and lack of exercise.   It was okay though, I was feeling good about myself and was determined that it was only temporary.  It was a ton of fun, and although we didn't all know it at the time, a blessing that we could all be together for the long weekend. 

This is where it gets hairy.  My two sons went with their Grandparents to Iowa, my hubby grabbed a train back to KC (he had to go work), and my daughter and I left for Michigan for the vacation experience of a lifetime.  We spent the next several weeks, rehearsing, and preparing to participate in a play at my old High School.  How often do you get to be on stage with your daughter?  I'm guessing the chances are slim.  Anyway, along with preparing for the show, it was like a huge class reunion.  Reuniting with old friends, making new ones (even ones that I found out live in KC with me :).  I spent most of my time at the school building, painting, rehearsing etc.  Of course then we end up ordering pizza at odd hours, going out for drinks after and getting appetizers, or filling our bellies with whatever suits the moment.  On the other hand, I was staying with my WONDERFUL Aunt and Uncle who tend to treat me and my family like royalty when we are there, so we had gigantic breakfasts everyday, and coffee on the deck next to the pond, and relaxed.  Honestly, it was like pure heaven!  Fun, relaxation, extraordinary food, no responsibility, or bills to pay.  Oh, and well, I made it to Zumba once while I was there.  Yeah, not really the best exercise/food intake ratio. 

Oh well, it was worth it.  I was going to get on the band wagon as soon as I got home right?  Well I did go to the gym once the first week I was home.  Then, the worst of the worst.  My father in-law passed away very sudden and unexpected (remember when I said what a blessing we had in St. Louis but didn't know it).  Fortunately my two sons were able to spend two weeks with him this summer while my daughter and I were in Michigan rehearsing.  Then we stopped by for a night on our way home from Michigan (which was not in the original plan) to say hi.

Long story short (and hopefully not as depressing) we immediately left for Iowa.  Our family spent two full weeks there for the services, and getting all the affairs in order for my Mother in-law.  However, what happens when there is a funeral?  Everyone brings food, and with a large family like ours, they bring LOTS of food.  What do I do when stressed, or depressed?  EAT :(  So I had just gotten back from 4 1/2 weeks of food and luxury, then right into two weeks of food and sadness.  Not a good combination for my waistline.

Then to make matters worse, we came home and two days later school started, Cub Scouts started, Cheerleading practice started, Soccer season started, and the whirlwind of my life took over and the routine of going to the gym and paying attention to my health had all but disappeared. 

So now that our crazy life has slowed ever so slightly, I need to pick up my again heavier self, and start anew.  So I'm back, I'm headed to the grocery store today to fill my pantry with smart snacks, and meal preparations for my family and we shall start again.  I think I shall change my outfit for my progress this time around, we shall see what I find in my closet. 

Thank you all for your support and understanding as I've slipped, tripped, and fell into my fat jeans again. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been a while

Hello all, it's been a while.  I apoligize for leaving you out there with no contact.  I have not given up, nor have I fallen off the wagon.  I have however been extremely busy with work and kids.  If you have kids in school, you are probably fully aware of the chaotic schedule that goes along with the end of the school year.  Not to mention my Drama Daughter had First Communion, and Snuggle Bug had his birthday.  I also work in a real estate based business so you put all that in the same pot and BAM!!!  Two months have disappeared in a whirlwind. 

So to update you.  I have not been good about tracking calories, I also have not made it to the gym as often as I like.  I have however started getting up at the crack of dawn a few times when the gym seems to not be an option to walk.  For those that do not know where I live, just around the block from my house is a trail that leads into a nature center/park.  It's a beautiful trail, that is paved, with a water fountain about a mile in from my house, and it's gorgeous to walk by the pond, and watch the sun rise.  Although I don't feel I get quite the workout I get from the gym, I due love the peace an quiet that 6:30am provides :)  My husband on the other hand now believes I am an alien.  I have never been a morning person in my entire life!!!  Anyone who knows me well can vouch for it.  And until recently I have not been an excercise person.  So to combine the two together, he thinks I'm an alien.  The first morning I set my alarm early he actually looked at me and said "who are you, and what have you done with my wife"  LOL.  I am still me, but I am a healthier version of myself. 

As for my diet, weeeeellllllllll, when I work I tend to eat badly.  I have been working quite a bit with a company that many of the people there are on a healthier lifestyle so that helps.  We will go to lunch and have salad or something better for you than burgers and fries.  When I am by myself, it just simply depends on the day and my alotted time.  I also haven't cooked well at home do to the crazy schedule.  I'm hoping that when school gets out (in a day and a half) I will grill more, and eat better.  My work schedule has significantly slowed down it should make healthy eating easier.  I am still eating A LOT less than I used to, and that is still taking some time to get used to.  Simple things like the amount of pizza to order, or spaghetti to make, I have yet to get regulate them properly, and we have way more left overs than necessary. 

Anyway, that is sort of what has been up with me.  For those of you who have been working on this journey along with me, I hope it is going well for you.  I have not weighed myself lately as they moved the scale at the gym, and I don't know where it went so I'm scared to get on a different one.  I do have a more current picture, and I don't feel like I'm losing as much, but I do feel stronger.  Maybe I'm at one of those dreadful plateau's that people have warned me about, and if I can kick myself into high gear again, I will get through it. 

Hope you are well!

Breakfast -
Protein bar

Lunch -
2 taco bell tacos

Snack - 3 small cheddar cheese, 3 rosemary & olive oil triscuits

Dinner - 1 1/4 cups of Chicken fetticinni alfredo, heavy on the chicken.

Water - BAD -  (I left my water cup at home when I went to work and soda was what was available)
4 - 8oz. cups
1 - Coke Zero
1 - Diet coke

Excercise - 55 minutes of Group power (weight lifting)

For those who haven't seen me in a while.  Here is the latest.  Sorry I didn't realize the kids had fingerprinted the mirror all up :):):)

Monday, April 2, 2012


So I've had a really bad week diet wise.  I don't know what's with me, but I've been overly hungry, unmotivated, and outta whack.  I've been having some headaches also in the mix which doesn't help.  I don't know if it's stress or what, but they are there.  So here is me, getting back on the horse.  I need to cut down on my meals, and get back to snacking.  I'm not saying everything went out the window, I've been doing "okay" with my food choices, but not on the commitment.  I've been to the gym a few times, but not nearly enough.  I think I got up with calories.  I think I was seeing things like my fruit smoothie being more calories than say some pretzels, or even a peanut butter cup, etc, and so I started rethinking how I do things, and only watching that vs. watching the whole picture of the healthy self I want to be. 

ANYWAY, this is me recommiting myself to my health, fitness, and overall well being.  I have the month of April left on my gym membership, and I intend of utilizing it every day I can. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I changed scales :)

Today I tried a different scale at the gym.  I was unhappy with the results as it felt like I have lost more than it showed.  Todays scale gave me an extra 5 lbs :)  So whether its right or wrong, I liked the way it looked better.  So I've decided that is my new scale for my weight :)  Yes I realize I won't have the same jump, but I have thought the scale in the locker room was weighing heavy from day one.  It makes me happy for today :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back to the gym :)

It is amazing to me how quickly I get out of shape :O  I was out of the gym of just over a week, but I had taken a nice walk at a decent pace at one point.  But today, in step class, I couldn't breathe.  I felt out of breath from just about the moment we started.  I don't get it, I suppose it proves the need to be there, that I just can't afford to quit!  NOT that I have any intention to. 

All said and done, I'm really feeling good about what I'm doing for myself!  I'm anxious to go back to my home town this summer and feel the pride of who I have become and see the faces on people.  NOT that they don't already expect to see me in my skinnier state since many of them will read this, and see the pictures, and of course when they knew me back in the day I was much smaller than I am now, and even smaller than I will be when I'm all done.  BUT, I will have muscles!!!  More than I ever remember having in my life.  My hubby and I were talking the other day, I have never once in my life been able to cross the monkey bars on the playground, or have I ever completed a single chin-up unassisted.  I know, not huge, lofty accomplishments in the span of a life time, but it shows you my lack of upper body strength.  I am trying to lift weights at least twice a week now (more than ever before as well).  So hopefully by Summer, I will A - have the upper body strength to lift my own body weight, and B - have less body weight to have to lift :):):)

I did my weigh in today, only 3 lbs.  :(:(:(  Not as much as I'd hoped, but that is okay, it wasn't UP :):):)  I still have my food log going on MyFitnessPal.com if you would like to look me up - Bleueponytail. 

I had a HORRIBLE calorie day on Saturday.  Hubby and I decided to spend the day with the kiddos.  We ran some errands, and took them to the park.  Hubby practiced some soccer and I took Karate kid to get a hair cut.  Needless to say, it was a fun and productive day (we don't usually get those in combination around here, so it was good).  That being said, we also decided to take the kids out to dinner.  Steak N Shake :):):)  Well, I ate my daily allowance (plus some) of calories in that one meal :):):)  Oh well, sometimes you have to sacrifice for the fun of the family. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Latest pictures

I took these last week, can't remember when but I haven't had time to put them up yet.  The fun thing is that I'm wearing the same t-shirt in this picture that I wore on Day 1 so I have a pic trying to show you how loose the shirt is on me now. 

The big changes I'm noticing that you may not see are that I am wearing all my watches with a tighter hole.  Same with my belts, all are at least one if not two holes tighter.  I tried on some of my shorts for summer, and quickly realized that I'm going to need new clothes for summer, however I don't want to get new clothes to turn around and get MORE new clothes, so I'm holding off as long as possible and cinching the belt to hold them up.  I only have two pairs of jeans that I can wear, but again, holding off as long as possible.  I'd love to be able to buy two sizes smaller when the time comes.

It's been a bad week for exercise as the kids were off school and they are not members of my gym.  We did walk to the park one day last week (they rode bikes) which once calculated ends up around 3 miles.  I worked on cleaning out our garage, and getting rid of stuff, so I broke a sweat, but I wouldn't call it exercise :)  Kids go back to school tomorrow, so I will be back at the gym at 9am :):):)  Looking forward to it, cuz I really want to weigh in.  Since I don't have a scale at home I use the one at the gym. 

Anyway, that is what is new.  Enjoy the pictures.  I am noticing a difference, but I don't know how much it shows in the pictures.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Survived the In-laws

If you remember back when I started this process my in-laws had come to town on their way to Texas for the winter.  Well Sunday they came back by on their way home to Iowa.  Last time they had come through they brought us all this food, homemade candy, and junk that I was in the process of ridding from our lives.  Although grateful for their generosity, frustrated by the abundance of HFCS and other stuff that was brought in.  Anyway, this time they came through and brought us no food :)  In fact since I've was sick the three days before they came, I hardly had any food in the house :(  Then in true host-like fashion hubby and I had to go to work so we left them home with our three kiddos, no food, and no vehicle (theirs was connected to their giant camper parked up the road).  Needless to say, they ended up shopping in the camper for groceries and managed to scrounge up some lunch, but I felt really bad.  Thanks to the in-laws for feeding my kiddos :):):)  It truly is appreciated!  Since I'm the only one home for most lunches (if I'm not working) I just don't think about lunch food anymore.  Being Spring Break for the kids, and the in-laws being here, it wasn't such a great plan.  Oh well, I guess no one starved so that is good.

On the bright side I managed to eat fairly well even with company in town.  I ate left over eggs for breakfast one day, made the whole gang one of my protein smoothies, and then made 93% ground beef cheese burgers last night (which I had on a lettuce wrap), with Sweet potato fries, and a salad.

I haven't made it to the gym, or any exercise since Thursday.  A little bummed about it, but I was really sick Friday, and sick but swamped on Saturday.  Then Sunday was the mad scramble to clean for the in-laws :):):)  Monday I worked, and today well, the kids are out of school this week, and since they are not on my membership I won't be going unless I go at night.  Maybe the kids and I will walk to the park?  That would give me a couple of miles in at least and the kids would like it.  Now to convince them :):):):):):):):):):)

Remember if you would like to track my food intake, check me out on MyFitnessPal.com.  I'm really liking the ability to track my calories.  I have it set at 1450 calories, which SHOULD equal 1.5 lbs a week, HA!  Doubt that, I just don't lose pounds like that, but I'm trying to stick to it anyway and see what happens.  Next time I go to the gym I'm going to weigh in (I don't own a scale) and maybe an updated photo will be next.  I found a dress I want, but I want it in a smaller size :)  So I'm motivated :)

I hope you have a good week, talk to you soon!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Have you ever used the Jimmy John's website?  It is pretty cool if you are counting calories, fat, carbs whatever.  It's easy to use, and it will tell you what you are getting precisely.  You enter in your order, with or without tomato, mayo, cheese, whatever, and you get your calorie count.

I realized yesterday after I ordered, that although I was trying to be better, and ordered a sandwich with the 7 grain bread vs. the traditional italian sub bun that my sandwich was still over 1000 calories, OUCH!!!  That being said I realized that if I skip the bread and order the "unwich" I save over 400 calories.  So when I ordered it again today :):):)  I ordered the Unwich, and I have to say, I didn't even miss the bread.  It was just as yummy, and flavorful as the one yesterday without the extra calories, and carbs.  I am NOT saying that 600 calories for one super yummy sandwich is healthy, but, if I'm going to order it anyway as I was working and needed something other than a cheeseburger and fries, well it's was a good option for me. 

So if you are a huge fan of Jimmy John's as I am, try the unwich, and see if you really miss the bread.  I was worried, but very pleasantly surprized :):):)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Girl Stuff = SABOTAGE!!!

Okay, so this is about girl stuff.  You know the stuff guys desperately avoid, dislike, feel uncomfortable talking about.  But here it is... (if you choose to continue reading :)

Why is it that right before that time of month I gain 5 sometimes 10 pounds?  I get all bloated, and feel fat, and just simply lose motivation.  Now I'm not asking for the "real" biological reason, cuz I understand it, but it is really frustrating when I feel like I'm making progress towards my weight loss goals, and my clothes are getting loser, and I'm feeling really good, then I wake up one morning and you would think I ate an entire Chinese restaurant the night before with all the salt and fried food they have to offer.  I don't get it.  How am I supposed to accurately track my progress on a daily, or even weekly basis if 1 1/2 - 2 weeks of the month are shot to hell regardless of my stick-to-it-ness.  It makes me want to cheat (not that I am) but I certainly want to.  My brain starts saying demotivated things like, "you look fat anyway, why not have a bowl of ice cream at 10pm" or "those potato chips and french onion dip can't hurt, the scale says you already went up 5 lbs."

The other part to this healthy life style sabotage is the hormonal part.  My stomach not only bloats, but also lacks a FULL button.  I can eat and eat and it takes a really long time to feel full.  NOT GOOD!!!  Not to mention the salt cravings.  I want salty snacks constantly!  I have managed to find some substitutes that help me feel like I'm eating salt without the salt such as garlic, if I put enough garlic into it that helps.  Or onions, adding raw onion to a salad, or sandwich, helps my taste buds feel like they are eating salty :):):) 

Anyway, that is my rant for today.  Feeling demotivated, but I still made it to Step class this morning.  I had a Breakfast on the Go pack before, then a jimmy johns sandwich (on 7 grain bread) for lunch with 1 Vlasic pickle.  I still want the chips and dip to accompany my sandwich, but I will refrain.  Of course now that I'm tracking my calories, I realized how many calories Jimmy John's really has.  Although I believe regardless of calories it is better than the McD's cheese burger my son wanted for lunch, I think next time I will try the "unwich" and save the 400 calories from the bread. 

If you would still like to follow my food journal, I am entering it all on MyFitnessPal.com on a daily basis.  It seemed a bit redundant to put it out there twice.  I'm going to still continue with my blog, however it will be more dedicated to the process, and what I'm feeling/doing vs. food records.  I will also update from time to time on my food, just not daily.  Make sense?  If you want to find me on MyFitnessPal let me know, and I'll give you my "code name"  :):):)

Thanks for listening :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Fitness Pal

A friend of mine mentioned to me that he was using an App for his phone that helped count calories, track excercise etc.  Thursday I decided to look into it.  Mostly because I feel like I'm eating a ton.  I'm eating less per portion, but I feel like I'm eating all the time because I'm snacking, and eating breakfast etc.  So I thought I should count the calories I'm intaking to see where what's really going on. 

I did a little research, not a lot, but I found one I'm happy with.  I couldn't remember what version my friend Tony used, and had I been thinking I would have called to ask, but I didn't.  The one I joined is called MyFitnessPal.com.  It had good reviews from users, and the thing that really sold me was it's actually a website that syncs with your phone.  Some of them, are only on your phone which eats up memory.  The first thing it asks is to enter you weight, height, etc. and your goals.  It then gives you an estimated Calorie allowance to help you get there.  They have a HUGE database full of foods, or you can scan the label of something with your phone and it will calculate the calories, fat, etc.  You can also add custom things that you eat often and it will save it for you.  Part of the database is sort of a wikapedia style format where you can look up other peoples entries and tweek it to fit your needs. 

So I started it on Thursday March 1st.  Feel free to look me up on there, I'm bleueponytail.  I blew my calories out of the water last night for my birthday celebration, but I'm back on the wagon today :):):)

That's the latest :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Group Kick Boxing

Today I went to the gym at 9:30am planning to take the Group Power class that I took (and loved) the other day.  Well when I got there I realized I had looked at the schedule wrong and today at 9:30 was the Group Kick class.  Needless to say, I was there, the class was getting ready to start, and I thought, I'll give it a shot. 

Let's just say NOT my favorite.  One thing for sure is I hate jumpy excersices.  I know there are benefits to all the jumping, and maybe when I lose more weight and get stronger it won't bother me as much, but jumping hurts my knees and wears me out is 1/4 of the time other excercises do, and so then I'm not going all out, and just trying to get through which is not as much fun.  I won't say that I will never take another kick class, cuz I'm sure I'll try it again someday, but it's down on my list of preferred classes.

I will gladly stick with my Zumba and Power classes.  I get my cardio and strength training in a group setting, with fun music.  Throw in a Step class here and there and you have my workout routine.  I have found my favorite teacher thus far at Healthridge though.  Her name is Shelly.  She taught the Power, and the Step, and today's Kick classes.  She is strong and lean, but not bulky.  She keeps you motivated and is so positive and supportive throughout the class it just makes you want to keep going when you fell like you may fall over and die :):):)

Food Journal - February 29th, 2012


Breakfast -
Left over Jazz - I was not in the mood for breakfast so I reheated some lunch from the other day.  1/2 of a blackened chicken breast, about 1/3 cup jambalya, and 3/4 new potato.  There were a few mushrooms left as well. 

Lunch -
chicken salad on a pita, and bowl of minestone soup

Snack -
5 triscuits
5 slices of Cabot Cheddar cheese - I learned that many chesses, have extra ingredients such as anti-mold agents, and coloring.  The Cabot brand had less or none of many of the extra ingredients, and it wasn't that much more expensive than regular Cheddar.  Oh, and it's really good!!!
5 slices of deer sausage

Dinner -
Breaded and baked porkchop - about 7oz. - I say breaded, but there was actually very little breading, but lots of seasonings.  I like my food flavorful. 
2 Pierogies - sauteed is coconut oil & butter (1/2 and 1/2) with onions
Veggies with fiesta ranch dip - several cauliflower, and green peppers.  One or two celery.  The dip is made with Daisy Lite sour cream and a packet of hidden valley fiesta ranch seasoning.  I was out of the regular ranch, so I made due with what I had. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Food Journal - February 28th, 2012

Breakfast -
I made scrambled eggs this morning with cheese for my oldest son and I (his request, big test today).  So I made 5 eggs, w/ 3 yolks.  Well when they were finished my other two kids wanted some.  Needless to say, I didn't get very much, they were pigs :)

Lunch -
Mexican - went out to lunch.  Probably way to many chips, but they had a really yummy fresh salsa which is good.  I ordered a grilled chicken with some sort of sauce on it, and it came with Mexican rice and refried beans.  I cut the chicken, and created mini tortilla taco thing.  I ate two (which was about 1/2 of my plate).  Food was okay, but I was starving. 

Dinner -
Chicken breast, chicken flavored pasta (about a 1/2 cup), and mixed frozen veggies. 

Evening snack -
fruit smoothie with protein powder

Exercise -
1 hour step class - Not the best class.  due to my lack of protein this morning, I was getting really light headed during class so I couldn't go all out as I was afraid I'd fall.  I still got my heart rate up, but I was really frustrated by the end.   Better luck tomorrow.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My workout soul-mate

So today I recieved a book in the mail from my friend Sara in Califonia (thanks Sara)!  Although I haven't read the whole thing, I did skim through some of the chapters just to check it out.  This list caught my eye, and I have to say I agree.  It's the book Push, by Chalene Johnson.  Here is what she wrote:

How you'll know you've found true love
I want you to know what it feels like when you find you soul-mate workout.  With this description as your guide, you'll know if you've found "it" or if you need to keep "dating" workouts.
  • Your soul-mate workout makes you feel you can do anything
  • Your soul-mate workout challenges you never to be complacent
  • Your soul-mate workout makes you fell alive, sexy, and young
  • Your soul-mate workout feels like a treat, even when it's brutal
  • When you're doing your soul-mate workout, you are surprised by how fast time passes
  • Your soul-mate workout clears your mind and calms your emotions
  • You can't help but endlessly talk about your soul-mate workout
  • Your soul-mate workout awakens your spirit
  • Your soul-mate workout gives you energy, creativity and drive
  • You look forward to your next workout
Your soul-mate workout is out there, waiting for you to find it.

This is how I feel about Zumba!  I can't seem to get enough.  That being said, I took my first Group Power class (weights put to music basically) and I'd have to say it fell right in the same catagory.  I really liked it.  I think it will take me a few classes to get where I know the right amount of weights to use as I think I used to many on the arm part, and not enough on the legs, but I was fairly close.  Don't get me wrong, I like the step classes to, but there is a definate emotional difference about them than the other two. 

Anyway, I thought it was a very good way to describe a work out that is right for you.  If you don't have that feeling towards your workout, its time to find a new one. 

Food Journal - February 27th, 2012

Breakfast -
Stopped at Einstein Bagel, I was in a hurry.
Ended up eating 1/2 a Ham, Egg and Swiss bagel on a All grain bagel (I think that's what it was called) on my way to work

Morning Snack -
About two hours later, I ate the other 1/2 the bagel (it was cold, but it was well refridgerated in my car this morning :)

Lunch -
Jazz - My favorite cajun restaurant ever (aka the ONLY cajun restaurant  I've ever eaten at, but why mess with perfection :):):)
1/2 order Blackened Chicken Diane w/ Jambalya instead of dirty rice, Steamed veggies (broccoli, carrots, zuchini) and 1/4 of a New potato.
I skipped the bread, and only finished about half of my meal, maybe 2/3's but I'm having the rest for lunch tomorrow too

Snack -
Fruit Smoothie with wide variety of fruit, and Vanilla protein powder

Dinner -
Minestrone Soup
Chicken salad in a whole wheat pita

Excercise -
1 hour Group Power at the gym.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Food Journal - Sunday February 26th, 2012

Breakfast -
Scrambled eggs with ham, green pepper, red onion, and mexican cheese

Lunch -
1/2 Chicken salad sandwich
small bowl of soup

Snack -
Strawberry/banana protein shake from the gym.  A little disappointing, I think mine at home are better

Dinner -
We were being lazy tonight, and I have been getting a hard time from the kids about not having pizza or anything "good" now that I"m on my diet.
I caved, 2 slices of Little Ceasers pizza and 2 buffalo wings.

Excercise -
1 hour of ZUMBA!!!


Have I every mentioned my love for Zumba before?  I LOVE ZUMBA!!!  I went to Healthridge today for Zumba with a different instructor than the other day.  I like her a WHOLE lot better than the other one.  She is still a little more hip hop than my favorite Zumba instructor, but I can get into a little hip hop.  Just not the plyometric Zumba from the other day.  I think what I liked best was we did Zumba for 40 minutes, then we did 5 minutes of legs, 5 minutes of abs, then 5 minutes of arms/shoulders with weights at the end, all to fun music with a little groove, but definitely more strength training style.  It was nice.  I felt like I got more than just cardio in which is good.  I don't know that I'd call it a full weights workout (I suppose tomorrow will tell), but better than none for sure.  So I was happy. 

Anyway, got my workout in for today.  Work tomorrow, then workout Tuesday doing Step. 

I will get healthy, I will get skinny, I will get healthy, I will get skinny, I will get healthy, I will get skinny....................You get the picture :):):)

Food Journal - Saturday February 25th, 2012

Breakfast -
Scrambled Eggs with Cheese

Lunch - Blue & Gold banquet
Turkey sandwich w/ mayo
small scoop of shepards pie
2 broccoli w/ dip

Dinner -
Left over pork chop w/ 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes/cauliflower

Food Journal - Friday February, 24th 2012

Breakfast -
Eggs w/ ketchup (I know, but I like it)

Morning Snack -
1/2 a pack of breakfast on the go pack

Lunch -
buffalo Chicken salad with Grilled chicken

Dinner -
Pork Chops - Baked and breaded with whole wheat flour, chopped almonds, and a variety of seasoning
Mashed Potato/cauliflower - I made them just like potatoes, and 1/2 was cauliflower with butter, milk, ranch seasoning, garlic
Asparagus - sauteed in coconut oil and butter with garlic and pepper

Evening Snack -
Fruit smoothie - variety of fruit with vanilla yogurt, and milk

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Food journal - February 23, 2012

Breakfast -
Fruit and protein shake

Lunch -
Minestrone soup
Chicken salad sandwich

Snack -
9 carr's crackers
Greek cucumber and garlic yogurt dip

Dinner -
Pork Chop breaded with whole wheat flower, almonds and seasoning
Mashed potatoes made w/ half cauliflower

Snack -
Fruit Smoothie

My week in review :)

This past weekend, as you are aware was my birthday.  All said and done, I managed without much issue on that.  1/5 of an ice cream sundae isn't a horrible diet breaker in my opinion. 

Of course then came the weekend.  My DD's Girl Scout troop came to our house for a Slumber Fiesta (we were celebrating World Thinking Day).  The girls voted on the menu.  Needless to say, they did not vote according to my diet.  That being said, we were also trying to instill the idea that you eat what is served.  So for dinner we had Nachos, with gound beef, rotel, shredded chedder, salsa, and then I added some peppers and onions.  For our evening snack it was Ice Cream and air popped popcorn with butter and salt.  One horrible evening isn't going to throw me off my diet is it?  Then Sunday morning it was Waffles with butter and syrup (not the good kind, but it is Girl Scouts so cost is a huge factor).  We also had eggs, and bananas. 

All said and done, not horrible.  My family ended up having nachos for dinner that night again due to the fact we had a ton of left overs.  Since this was our first sleep over, it was interesting to see who ate 3 helpings of dinner, and who did not.  We had a great time, the girls really enjoyed themselves, so in the end it was all worth it. 

On Monday the kids were out of School for presidents day.  I had to work.  So I ate some eggs for breakfast before heading out.  We ordered Chinese for lunch (I had Pepper Steak, 2 egg rolls, and a bit of fried rice).  It was at this point I realized that I was getting out of my new routine and had to dial it back.  Hubby used the last of the ground beef to make sloppy joes for dinner with fried rice and green beans.  I ate mine on a whole wheat flat bun and vowed Tuesday would be better now that all the "bad" food was out of the house :)

Tuesday I had eggs for breakfast then went to the gym for step class.  It is a good class, and I was definately feeling it.  I had a lunch appt. with two ladies who are interested in staging.  I ordered a buffalo chicken salad with ranch dressing.  I ate a little over 1/2 of the salad, with an iced tea.  Snack was a bit of trail mix.  For dinner that night, no one was going to be home for most of the night, and none of us at the same time so it was a fend for yourself sort of meal.  I made myself a chicken salad sandwich with lettuse on a whole wheat flat bun and about 10 sweet potatoe tortilla chips dipped in yogurt jalepeno dip. 

Wednesday -
Breakfast -
scrambled eggs

Lunch -
chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat flat bun with lettuse
1/2 of the left over buffalo salad

Snack -
2 slices of pepper jack cheese
2 triscuits

Dinner -
Homemade Minestrone soup!  It was AWESOME!  I got the recipe from a friend, and it's almost all fresh veggies, with vegetable broth (it was ash wednesday and since hubby is Catholic I try to cater to that).  I am having it for lunch again today :)

Excercise -
1 hour with the personal trainer - Thanks to a good friend of mine, he arranged for me to actually workout with a trainer instead of just talk.  We probably didn't work out the entire hour as there was some learning of machines, and such, but I am sore today.

Well there you have the week so far.  I fell a bit off the wagon with the Girl Scout sleepover, but I'm back on now. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Latest pictures - Day 47

Here are the latest pictures.  I don't know how much visible progress there is, as I'm bad at it.  But I am feeling thinner and my clothes are getting looser.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Food Journal - February 17th, 2012 - MY BIRTHDAY :):):)

Today is my 36th birthday!  I can hardly believe I'm that old.  I realized today that I have spent the least 15 birthdays with my Darling Hubby :)  He was with me when I took my first "legal" drink.  That is just scary to think about.  I worked most of the day, then went out to dinner and dessert with the family.  We went to Mongolian BBQ.  One of my favorites :)  I had a stir-fry with beef and chicken.  A gazillion veggies, and a variety of sauces/spices.  I then blended it with a bith of Brown rice. 

For dessert I decided instead of a cake (which would enevitably be left over for several days) we would order dessert at the restaurant.  So we ordered one REALLY BIG Brownie, hot fudge, carmel sundae and split it 5 ways. 

All said and done, it was a really great day! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So excercise KICKED MY BUTT!!!

First I want to tell you about my appointment with the personal trainer.  I have mentioned before about my crazy hectic life.  Truthfully, I like it that way.  I am one of those people if I am busy all the time, then I get more done.  If I have nothing to do, I get nothing done.  Needless to say, I had slotted out 3 times this week that I was going to work out.  First of those time slots was Tuesday, I recieved a call from my new gym stating that with my new membership I was entitled to a free session with a personal trainer.  I thought, great, he'll show me around the gym, introduce me to all the equipment, and set me up with a work out plan besides my cardio favorites.  So 8:30am, I rush to the gym to meet with the PT.  We go into an office, which I completely expected, assuming we would go over the typical, what are your goals, any health issues, type of questions.  We did, however, we ended up talking about my diet, and things I can change there, and the schedule for when I can workout (Cardio, weight train, cardio weight train) schedule, etc.  I knew that he had a 10am appt. and he had fully warned me over the phone that he was a talker (as am I) and that his appt. tend to run over an hour due to that.  I was good, I had 1 1/2 hours slated for my PT session.  However, after our talking, and it seemed like a while, I began to wonder when we were going to go out to the gym.  I looked down at my watch, and it is now 8 minutes to 10am.  OMG!!!  We didn't work out.  I just spent an hour and a half with a guy in his office, and not once did we touch a piece of equipment.  I expected to do a BMI test, and maybe a flexibility test, SOMETHING!!!  Not just sit and talk about working out, and diet.  I was very disgruntled when I left.  He never once even mentioned going on the floor.  WHY DID I GO TO THIS GUY????   At the YMCA (our old gym) you received a FREE personal training session with at PT once a year (I believe it was) and when I did that, they took you around the floor, showed you the proper way to use all the equipment, it wasn't a full workout, but it was more than talking!!!  They would do the BMI test, and tell you where your goals should be, etc.  I expected something similar to that, but nope, not anything.  Needless to say, I then had to go work, and so I didn't have time to work out after my appointment.  I would have simply said NO had I known what I was getting into.  Can we say "NOT HAPPY".

Well so now I'm half way through the week, and NO excercise has been done.  Not for lack of going to the gym, but still nothing done.  So Wednesday, I went to Zumba.  In case you didn't know Zumba is my all time favorite class to take.  I love the music, and the moves, I love the feel of it, and the party style atmosphere.  It really is right up my alley.  Well this was the first class I have taken with a different instructor.   It was okay, I really liked her song choices, but it was a little more plyometric Zumba than  I'm used to.  Not nearly enough booty shaking.  I don't think we did a Bato until over 1/2 way through the class (if you take Zumba you know Bato's signature move).  It was fun, and upbeat, just not what I expected.  I was, however, sore after, so that part is good.  Then after my workout, and lunch, I had to go to work.  I worked on a house for this lady where every piece of furniture in her house is an antique.  You know what that means, it's HEAVY!!!!  We moved a lot of furniture from room to room, up and down stairs, as well as boxes, and other stuff.  It turned out really well, and she seemed really happy after the fact, but it was A LOT of work!!!

Can we just say, I'm not walking the most lady like today.  My legs (mostly my inner thighs oddly enough) are really sore. 

I have to work again tomorrow morning, which was supposed to be my 3rd slated time for the week, but that is not going to happen.  I am not sure how long I will have to work tomorrow morning so maybe after, but I have other things I need to work on as well tomorrow.  Maybe Saturday morning?  We shall see.  Do you think if I'm moving a ton of furniture tomorrow to that it counts as a workout?  Can't hurt at least right?  Better that watching soap operas :):):)

Anyway, trying to fit exercise in is tough, but I'm trying.  If I plan for it, than it does better, but making money is more important at the moment, so sometimes, exercise gets bumped :(

Food Journal - February 11th - 16th, 2012

Okay, so I've fallen off the wagon.  No, don't fret, not the food wagon, the blog wagon.  Did I have you worried?  Sorry about that if I did :)  It has been a hectic week for me, and well, blogging has not been on my mind.  I have to say, I've been pretty good though, all said and done.  I've eaten something for breakfast everyday, ate decent meals, and snacks, and not a whole lot of anything.

So although I don't remember everyday, here is today :)

Thursday - February 16th, 2012
Breakfast - 
Strawberry, banana, yogurt, and peanut butter smoothy :):):)

Lunch - 
Ham Sandwich with whole wheat toast, lettuse, and lite mayo
1/2 a bowl of minestrone soup

Snack - 
5 slices of cheddar cheese
5 triscuits
4 slices of venison sausage

Dinner - 
Pepper Steak - my father-in-laws recipe - but I altered it so I used coconut oil to sautee the beef, and whole wheat flour served over brown rice. 

Snack - 
4 - slices of cheese
4 - wheat thins.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Food Journal - February 8th - 10th, 2012

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

Breakfast -
Planters Protein breakfast bar

Morning Snack -
Breakfast on the go pack (after my workout)

Lunch -
Took my Snuggle Bug to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch.  That kid LOVES buffalo wings, and since he was out of school for conferences (Kindergarten only) we went to lunch.  I ordered the boneless buffalo wing lunch, and switched the fries for a side salad.  I had 5 of the 8 wings (SB ate the extra after eating his 4 :)  I had ranch on the salad, and ate most of the celery (SB had a couple too).

Snack -
4 cheddar cheese, 4 triscuits

Dinner -
Chicken Fajita Salad - I was going to make tacos but realized I didn't have any beef :)  So we seasoned the chicken with taco seasoning, sauteed some peppers and onions.  I made mine a salad with salsa, lettuse, and a smidge of sour cream.

Evening Snack -
Breakfast on the go pack :)

Water -
Lots, I'm at a point where I really am not counting any more as all I'm drinking these days outside of coffee for the most part. 

Exercise -
30 minutes on the eliptical

Thursday, February 9th, 2012 - I was sick this day :(:(:(

Breakfast -
Breakfast on the go pack

Lunch -
Vegetable soup with 5 slices of cheddar cheese, and 10 Carrs crackers
Fruit smoothie with peanut butter YUMMY!!!

Snack -
Fruit Smoothie with peanut butter - The kids wanted to try them, so we had them again :)  Plus the cold and smooth was making me feel better.

Dinner -
It was leftover night.  I used my leftover chipotle Rice/beans/ etc I had leftover, added some leftover Chicken fajitas, added some salsa, and cheese, and ta da!  Dinner :)

Evening Snack -
1 cup of Cherry Frozen Yogurt by Kemps

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Breakfast -
None - I took Nyquil last night, and I didn't get out of bed until 11am, so I am very well rested.  I slept 13 hours :)

Lunch -
Chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat toast with lettuse
Healthy choice chicken noodle soup (1/2 a can)

Snack -
Green peppers with dip

Dinner -
Turkey Meatball Subs on a Whole Wheat hot dog bun with low fat Mozz cheese
handful of sweet potato fries with sea salt

Exercise -
35 minutes walking on the treadmill
100 sit-ups (I rotated regular, bicycle, and the leg lowering version)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I have a cold :(:(:(

How is it that with the vitamins I'm now taking, all the extra healthy food I'm eating that I caught a cold?  You would think I'd be able to fight off a few germs :(:(:(  Not going to the gym today :(:(:(

So on another note I ended up joining a gym.  I know, I know, I was going to NOT join the gym.  However, a gym by my house is running a 3 month special for $99, and it happens to be the gym everyone I know goes to.  So I decided for the $99, I would check it out and then decide if I am going to stick with it or go at it on my own.  My goal is for this to get me back in the habit of going.  If my friends are their I am more likely to go.  Here goes excercise :):):)  I was thinking of going to Zumba tonight, but I feel horrible and so I think early bedtime for me instead :(

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are you ready for more health questions?

Potatoes -

What potatoes are "healthier" to eat?  I know people say Sweet potatoes, but what about Red potatoes, and Idaho potatoes.  In what order do they fall in?  I have read that if you eat the potato, you should eat it with fats (cheese, sour cream etc) to slow down the speed in which the carbs turn to sugar (or something like that). 

When do you exercise?

I am really struggling with finding the time to exercise.  The morning is crazy, besides I'm not really a morning person, then my day gets filled up with work, and volunteer commitments, and kids stuff.  The evenings, we are so busy running from one place to the next I tend to lose the hours of 5pm - 9pm on a daily basis as if they didn't even exist.  By the time 9pm rolls around, I'm setting up my next day, figuring out what didn't get done in the current day that will now fill up tomorrow.  I'm just really having a hard time fitting it in. 

How often should you really exercise?

I have heard 3 times a week for an hour, some say 5 days for 30 minutes, is there a target to shoot for?  I know lots of people work out daily, and I don't know if that is truly possible for me right now.  I know that no matter the answer I need to do more.  Last week I managed to squeeze in a 40 minute walk, and a one hour step class followed by 30 minutes on the stair stepper.  Luckily I wasn't as sore as I expected to be.  So I'm looking for tricks, ways to squeak in a workout, etc.

Top Tips -

Alright, I am really trying to get healthy, lose weight, be more aware of my food and what I ingest, and do it all the right way.  I'm not looking for a 3 month get skinny quick type of thing.  I'm in this for the long haul.  I have no dilutions that I have birthday cakes, and pizza party's in my future, but if I make better choices, daily, those (in theory) should not throw me to out of whack for my goals.  I don't want to feel deprived either, because I know myself well enough to know that if I deprive myself I will sabotage myself into cheating, or gorging on whatever it is I've deprived myself of. 

So give me your tips, tricks, and secrets.  If you had to tell someone like me who is really trying to do it right, what would you say?  Would it be drink lots of water?  Or never eat after 6pm?  I'm sure there are lots I've never thought of, thus the reason for the question. 

Thanks for listening to my questions, thanks for your ongoing support, and thanks in advance for your answers :):):)

Food Journal - February 7th, 2012

Here goes today -

Breakfast -
Scrambled cheesy eggs - I made 8 eggs, only 6 yolks with cheddar cheese.  Split them with my 3 kids, so I don't know the ratio, almot 2 eggs :)
whole wheat toast slice with butter

Lunch -
Chipotle Barbacoa bowl - brown rice, added fajita veggies, black beans, Green chile salsa, corn salsa, NO SOUR CREAM :):):), and lettuce
I ate about 2/3 of it, and brought the rest home.

Snack -
none :(  bad mom, I was working and forgot to bring something along on the ride.  When I got home it was dinner time.

Dinner -
1/2 a chicken breast (I purposely chose the smallest breast and cut it in half and shared it with my 10 year old), green beans with butter, Baked ranch potato/cauliflower (about 8-10 pieces 1/2 of each)

Snack -
I ate snack late, I was busy, and since I ate dinner at like 4:45pm, I was famished when I got home fromt the grocery store at 9:45pm.  I had about 6 celery sticks with 1 1/2 wedges of laughing cow cheese.  I'm sure I could have done with just one, but I had already opened it so I ate some.  Again, bad mom.  Tomorrow I'll do better :)

Water -
5 - 24oz glasses
1 coffee
1 16oz milk
1 16oz soda (1/2 coke zero, and 1/2 coke.  I started pouring the coke zero when I realized I was going back to regular pop.  Some habits die hard)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Food Journal - February 6th, 2012

Breakfast -
Breakfast on the go pouch

Lunch -
Buffalo chicken salad - I was out working and it was a choice between McD's, Wendy's, Arby's and Applebee's.  I went with applebees, and ordered the 1/2 fried chicken (I know) salad and had them toss the chicken in buffalo wing sauce and ranch dressing.  Not great, but it wasn't a burger and fries

Snack -
I had something, and I just can not for the life of me remember.  Nothing major, but SB was hungry so he had something and then I had something.  I will update if I remember.

Dinner -
Chicken Salad on whole wheat bun thing toasted with lettuse
1/2 cup bean salad
4-6 veggies (green pepper, and maybe a celery) with dip

Snack -
a couple samples of the Girl Scouts upcoming nut and candy sale.

Water -
5 - 24oz cups of water
1 cup coffee

Food Journal - February 5th, 2012 - Super Bowl Sunday

So it was Super Bowl Sunday, DOOM!  But I think I faired ~ okay :)

Breakfast -
Completely forgot, I put a breakfast pack in my pocket as I left for church and never ate it until it was almost lunch (I was starving)

Lunch -
Breakfast Pack (like 45 minutes before)
Left over Jazz (Louisiana Kitchen here in KC).  So 1/2 a Blackened chicken diane (which is sauteed mushrooms and onions on it), with Jambalya, and steamed veggies

Snack -
5 whole wheat pita chips and garlic hummus

Dinner -
Well it was the super bowl, and my family has a semi-tradition on holidays is to have a bunch of snacks to munch on instead of a huge meal. 
So here is this years "Super Bowl Spread".  Slightly smaller, and WAY healthier than years past. 
  • Chili (w/ or w/o cheddar cheese your choice and 93% lean beef) & Saltines if you choose.
  • Boneless Buffalo wings (by Tyson - not super healthy, but I baked them didn't fry them)
  • Strawberries w/ Vanilla Yogurt as the dip
  • Tortilla chips and salsa (regular or sweet potato variety depending on what you like)
  • Jalepeno yogurt dip (for your chip of choice)
  • Veggies with Ranch dip (carrots, cauliflower, celery, grape tomatoes, green pepper)
All said and done, it could have been worse.  Now not the blue chili bowl (lower right cornerish) that is my bowl, now note the stripped bowls (upper right corner), that is the normal bowl I would use on chili night filled to the brim, and on occasion go back for a second 1/2 of a bowl.  So that was the start. 

Dinner - 4:30pm (kick off was at 5:30pm)
Blue chili bowl w/ cheddar cheese, and a couple sweet potato chips
2 buffalo wings
I WAS STUFFED, my hubby couldn't believe it.  He thought I was crazy :)

Evening Snack - random throughout the evening, not at one time.
3 more buffalo wing bites (I think)
2-3 strawberres (they were halved, so really only like 1-2 whole ones) w/ vanilla yogurt
Several Sweet potato chips (maybe 10-15) with either salsa or Jalepeno yogurt dip
Veggies w/ ranch dip - mostly cauliflower (as those are supposed to be a negative calorie food) couple green peppers, a celery, and I think that is it.

So for a Super Bowl Spread, I thought I did decent.  Considering I made no cheese dips of ANY type, or 7 layer dip, or cookies, brownies, or other sweet sugar food (that's what the strawberries were for).

Water -
1 cup coffee.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Food Journal - February 3rd & 4th, 2012

I'm sorry, I've been lax at my postings lately.  I am going to try and get back to daily postings so I can keep better track.

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Breakfast -
Planters breakfast bar

Lunch -
chicken Salad in a lettuse wrap, I thought I'd try it out.  It was okay, but I prefer the toasted anything over lettuse.

Snack -
4 cheddar cheese
4 triscuits

Dinner -
Baked pork chop
1 - pierogie (a family favorite around here), I sauteed it in cocanut oil and just a smidgen of butter and onions
Bean Salad - I made this for me to eat.  It's low carb, high fiber, and tasty.  It has one can kidney beans, 1 can pinto beans, 1 can corn, 1 can black olives, chopped green pepper, and chopped red onion.  Tossed with about 1/3 cup of Sundried Tomatoe vinegarette dressing.  It makes a ton, but it will last a few days.  It's good.
carrots & Celery and dip (just a couple)

Water -
2 coffee
1 milk

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Breakfast -
Breakfast pack

Lunch -
Went on my Valentines Lunch Date with the hubby (can't stand the crowds when the day actually comes around so we go early) 
We split an order of Jambalaya for an appetizer (between the two of us we only ate half, and then split the second half into our take home boxes)
1/2 order of the blackened chicken diane (which means one breast instead of two) on jambalaya with steamed veggies (which include zuchinni, broccoli, carrots)

Snack -
Can't remember?  I think a couple strawberries

Dinner -
Left over Chicken Parmesan with a bit of spaghetti
bean salad

Water -
1 pop (sounded good)
1 coffee
1 milk

Friday, February 3, 2012

Food Journal - February 2nd, 2012

Breakfast - 8am
Planters breakfast bar

Morning Snack - 10am
1/2 of a Breakfast on the go pack (DD didn't finish one so I finished it after the gym)

Lunch - 12pm
Left over mongolian bbq - I added a few pieces of chicken since I noticed it was short on meat

Snack - 2pm
5 strawberries dipped in Vanilla yogurt

Dinner - 4:45pm
Chicken Parmesan - Since Spaghetti is a staple in our house, I used 1/2 a left over chicken breast from the other night, added some spag sauce and fat free mozz cheese.  I had a smidgen of spaghetti on the side, and a large salad with Olive Garden Italian dressing.  I made the sauce earlier in the day.  I used a lb. of 93% ground beef and 1 lb. of ground turkey with 3 jars of spag sauce.  Then I divided into three and froze two portions.  Since hubby and I are eating other things vs. a huge plate full of spaghetti, it ended up being the right amount of sauce for the family.  So it's half healthier meat, and more cost effective this way.  It was yummy too :)

Evening Snack - 7:30 pm
1 wedge of laughing cow cheese Light
several celery sticks.

Water -
Lots, don't know how much, didn't count.
2 - coffee
1 - Milk

Excercise -
1 hour step class
30 minutes stair step machine (I thought I was going to pass out :):):)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tomorrow will not be pretty!!!

So is it more important to be able to walk tomorrow, or workout today? 

JUST TEASING!!!  I went to the gym with a friend today on a visitors pass.  She is studying to be a personal trainer.  Needless to say, my butt is officially KICKED!!!  First we did a step class, which was fun!!!  I really like the instructor!  Then she says to me, okay, now lets go do the stair step machine for 30 minutes!!!!  OMG I thought I was going to pass out!  It was good, but tomorrow, I have a very bad/good feeling it is going to cost me.  I better be productive today so that I can recover tomorrow.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know :):):)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Food Journal - February 1st, 2012

Breakfast - 9am
2 eggs scrambled (only one yolk) with green onions, ham and 2% American Cheese
on a whole wheat smushed bun thing (inherited from the parents)

Lunch - 12pm
BD's Mongolian BBQ - YUMMY!!!  I filled the bowl with lots of stuff, a little chicken, a little steak, a wide variety of veggies, and a mix of sauses (I'm guessing none were low sodium)
Brown rice
I only ate half the plate, and brought the rest home for lunch tomorrow (double yummy :)

Snack - 3pm
5 Cheddar cheese slices
5 triscuits
5 sweet potato chips with jalepeno yogurt dip

Dinner - 6pm
Papa John's pizza night! 
Every now and then the school does a fund raiser and has a pizza night.  I had two slices of pepporoni pizza (from a medium size pizza) with the garlic butter on it
3 buffalo wings

Evening Snack - 8pm
Small Scoop of Kemps Cherry flavor frozen yogurt.  I have to say I nice alternative to ice cream.  Fairly natural ingredients, and not to many calories.

Water -
5 - 24oz glasses of water
1 cup of coffee
1 lg glass of milk

Excercise - 
40 minute walk - YAY ME!!!

Day 28 - February 1st, 2012

New Pictures :):):)

So here are the latest photos of me today.  This is Day 28:

I'm on a natural kick!

So today I am making my own dish washer soap.  Is it bad that I am REALLY excited by this?  I also have started collecting ingredients for my own Laundry soap.  I have switched my cooking oil to Coconut oil (it's supposed to be better for you) with I am loving.  It has virtually no flavor, and you don't have to use much at all.  It comes in a solid form (like Crisco shortening) and you use a tbsp. in the pan, and it melts and covers the bottom.  So for anything I would have previously used vegetable oil for, or spray oil, or butter, I have switched it to Coconut oil.  I LOVE it!!!  I still have vegetable oil and things for recipes that need them, but for the most part, I'm a convert!

I don't know what is with me since I started this.  I feel like I am overhauling my entire life as far as product consumption is concerned.  I blame Pintrest mostly, cuz they have so many ideas on fun, easy ways to DIY and it will save me money (more money for fresh fruits, veggies, and other stuff that costs more).  I can barely recognize myself. 

Yesterday, I read all the labels in the yogurt aisle.  I found that the Yoplait "light" yogurt has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it.  What is with that?  I thought "light" is supposed to be better for you?  I know, I'm not completely shocked, because I know lots of "health" food is not "healthy" food, but still.  So I went with the Dannon, all natural yogurt instead. 

Next on my natural kick will be things like growing my own herbs and veggies, as well as making my own bread crumbs (once I get my new ninja blender :):):)

Stay tuned for what else I can do myself, save cost, and be healthy.

Food Journal - Jan. 28th - 31st, 2012

Have I mentioned I've been busy?  In case you don't know, I am a Home Stager.  What I do is I go into homes of people who are trying to sell, and redesign the home to appeal to the most amount of people (in a nutshell).  Needless to say January is the big "get ready for Spring" month, at least for me :)  I also have a showroom design for a company here in KC.  We are basically redesigning the entire showroom floor which is a BIG project.  That being said, I'm really excited about it.

I am also a "full-time" volunteer (a name some of my friends have labeled me).  I am the Cubmaster of KK's Cub Scout Pack, I am also a den leader for his den, I am the Asst. Leader of DD Girl Scout Troop, I am on the camp staff for a county wide Girl Scout campout that is celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouts.  My hubby coaches 2 kids soccer teams (SB and DD), KK is also in Karate (thus the nickname Karate Kid), CSI at school, and piano.  My DD (Drama Daughter if you missed it somewhere) is in Girl Scouts, Gymnastics, piano, Cheerleading in the Fall, and Soccer in the Spring.  SB (Snuggle Bug is my youngest) is in Soccer 3 seasons a year, and piano.  Then you add homework, and work, and religion classes, and any other addition to our daily lives we are one busy and on the go family. 

So back to why we are all really here.  I am getting a bit disgruntled with the whole thing but just a bit.  Since I see or feel no results, I'm hesitant to take pictures.  I probably should anyway, maybe that would help.  I have been horrible about getting a workout in.  I plan to go for a good walk today.  I need to change my mindset that it doesn't have to be an hour.  I think that may be my hang up.  The idea of trying to carve out an entire hour from my day seems like a lot.  So I'm going to try and carve out 30 minutes and see if that helps.  I know once I get the routine of working out back in my day it will be easier, it's just getting started.  I did however go Dancing Saturday night for like 5 hours, and I would think that it should count at least a little towards excercise.  Oh, and bowling on Friday, my shoulders and butt was sore for two day because of that, so does that count?  I think so :):):)

Food Journal -

January 28th, 2012 - Saturday

6 mini quiches

chicken salad with a whole wheat pita

Planters NUT-rition bar

Dinner - out with friends for a birthday
Shared buffalo wings with ranch (I think I had four)
Celery (from buffalo wings)
Split with hubby - Smothered Chicken with mixed vegetables - mushrooms, onions cheese, and zuchini, potatos and I can't remember what.

Late night snack -
leftover mac and cheese that the kids had for dinner (I needed something to settle my stomach)

Water -
I drank a TON of water throughout the day and even at night.  I was definately not dehydrated do to lake of water intake :)
Alchohol intake - BAD, BAD, I think I had 8 Captain and cokes, and 2 shots (it was a fun night )

Excercise - 
Dancing for pretty close to 4 1/2 continuous hours.  I think that counts :):):)

January 29th, 2012 - Sunday
Breakfast -
Well I slept until 11am (that's what happens when you stay out to almost 2am two nights in a row drinking).

Lunch -
Chicken salad pita with a pickle spear

Snack -
4 slices of cheddar cheese
4 triscuits

2nd Snack - (since I ate lunch at 11am, I was hungry again, because I had a meeting until 5:30pm)
2 handfuls of trail mix

Dinner -
leftover porkloin
Mashed potatoe

Water - 
I drank probably 5 32oz cups of water
1 cherry coke

January 30th, 2012 - Monday

Breakfast - 
Chicken Salad Pita with a pickle spear (sounded good so I went with it)

Lunch - 
LaChoy Chicken Cow Mein (in a can) - Not the best choice, High sodium, but not too bad in the other dept if you consider it is from a can -  I ate one bowl
3 potstickers - again, not great, but I need to get some of this stuff out of my house.  I used low sodium soy sauce :):):)  cuz that makes it all better.

Snack - 
2 handfuls trail mix

Dinner - 
Grilled Chicken
Sweet potato fries with natural sea salt
carrots and celery with ranch dip (I made it with low fat sour cream)

Water - 
6 32oz cups of water

January 31st, 2012 - Tuesday

Breakfast -
Chicken Salad on a pita with a pickle spear (worked well yesterday, thought I'd do it again :)

Lunch - 
Burger King :(:(:(  I was short on time, and was on the road.  I didn't prepare well for my day, oh well
Double Cheeseburger
Small fry (I did get a small one vs. Large which is better than I used to be :)

Snack - 
1/2 cup trail mix

Dinner - (note at 4:45pm)
Baked chicken - this started out as a South Beach recipe, but since I was in a hurry, and was missing some ingredients it was "breaded" in chopped almonds, thyme, parsley, ranch mix, a bit of whole wheat flour, garlic, black pepper
Rice Pilaf - home made out of whole grain pasta, brown rice, and low sodium chicken broth
Peas - low sodium canned peas with a bit of butter

Evening Snack - 7pm
Trail mix

Water - 
Coffee -
I didn't do as well today, but still probably 4 32oz cups

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food Journal Recap - January 24th - 27th, 2012

Well, I've been a bit busy this week.  Running around town working.  Needless to say with work and my volunteering responsibilities I am a bit overwhelmed, and haven't caught you all up on what is happening.  I have to say, even with all the running around, I have managed to not eat horribly (for the most part).

Here goes (to the best of my memory) -
Breakfast - 
Planters breakfast bar

Morning snack - 
Planters breakfast bar (I was still hungry so I had another one)

Lunch - 
Chicken salad on whole wheat pita with lettuce

Snack -
Trail mix

Dinner - 
Chicken Taco Chili - it's a weight watchers recipe I found online.  It wasn't bad, my kids all ate it.  I thought it needed more of a kick, next time.

Water -
Here's where my memory is fading me, but I drank a ton of water each day.

Breakfast - 
I FORGOT!!!  I had to work first thing, and I was so busy trying to get things done I simply forgot
I grabbed a handful of trail mix around 10:30am when I tried to remember why I was so hungry :)

Lunch - 
Jimmy John's - One of my favorite things to eat when I'm out working (can we say tax write off :).  I had the Italian Night club with extra vinigar and oil.
1/2 a pickle

Snack - 
Slice of Ham with a little veggie dip and a couple green peppers wrapped inside.

Dinner - 
We decided to take the kids out for dinner to Jack Stack (our favorite BBQ in KC) since we had a gift card.
Hubby and I split a sampler platter which comes with ribs, chicken, sausage, and burnt ends (Can we say YUMMY)
So I ate the chicken breast, one rib, and 2 burnt ends with some fries, and 1/2 a slice of toast.  Not tooooo horrible right?

Water - 
I had lots of water as I was haulling boxes around for work.
1 soda
Coffee I'm sure in there somewhere

Breakfast -
Did I mention I've been busy?
Again I forgot, so around 10 or so, I threw some chicken salad on a whole wheat pita with lettuse as my breakfast as I was walking out the door.

Lunch - 
Needless to say I wasn't very hungry at lunch, but I knew if I didn't eat I'd be starving by dinner.  I tried to have a couple handfuls of trail mix (I have been leaving it in my car which helps) but it wasn't helping me not be hungry.  So I stopped at Culvers and got just 2 chicken tenders.  It helped me get through the day and not be starving

Snack -
Trail mix - several handfuls throughout the day

Dinner -
I had my chipotle leftovers.  I realized I had not very much meat so I doctored it up with some grilled chicken I had on hand, extra salsa, cheese and some mexican yogurt dip.

Water - 
Lots, 1 Sweet tea, and coffee

Breakfast -
I cooked up 8 mini quiches (they are almost gone :)

Lunch - 
Chic fil a - Here's the thing.  I ordered a Chicken salad combo with a sweet tea.
I ate a 1/2 a sandwich and literally ONE fry and I was full.  What is that?  I can eat, I am a eating person, to be full after a 1/2 sandwich, and 1 fry is hilarious to me.  I must be doing something right.  So I saved the sandwich and fries for later.

Snack - 
the other 1/2 of my chicken salad sandwich, and a couple more fries (never finished the fries)

Steamed peapods and potatoes
Salad with celery, red onion, carrots, French Dressing (here I was trying to not go with the Ranch thinking I was making a good choice, and the second ingrediant was High Fructose Corn Syrup, oh well, smarter choices will be with my next salad dressing purchase :)

Evening Snack - 
Went out bowling with the girls, so to prevent over intoxication :) I ate a Chicken quesadilla at 9pm or so.  However I made that within my 4 hour window as I didn't go to bed until almost 2am :):):)

Water - 
LOTS of water.  I drank a ton of water throughout the day, and then while out with the girls to prevent sickness :)  I probably drank over 100oz of water
Alcohol intake - 4 captain and cokes, 1 lemon drop shot
1 - sweet tea.

So there you have it, all that I've been up to the last few days as far as food.  I've been really busy, but I'm still trying to be good about my food.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To snack or not to snack???

Today's question is this...to snack or not to snack?

I realize that you are supposed to eat several times a day vs. 3 times a day.  Of course my body and brain would be happy with 1-2 times a day if I could eat a giant meal.  However I am really trying to do this the right way.  So I have been having an afternoon snack everyday, which is great cuz I'm trying to eat a small lunch, and it helps me get through.  However I am occasionally also eating an evening snack.  Not always, but more often then not.  I don't however, ever eat a morning snack.  Let me lay out my daily meal times for you, and you can see what I'm talking about, then maybe you can help.

8-9am - Breakfast (depends on how kids are doing and the morning routine if I eat before or after they go to school)

Lunch - 11:30am ish

Snack - 3pm ish (I try to have something before kids get home from school, otherwise it gets hectic)

Dinner - 5-6pm - I know this is early for some people, but I try to have dinner on the table between 5 - 5:30 since most of our evening activities start at 6pm.  Sometimes though, we eat at 4:30 but not often.

Evening Snack - 9pm ish - after kids are in bed

I have a couple of trains of thought I am pondering, and am looking for a consensus to adapt :)  So please weigh in if you have any input on this subject at all.

I hear you should eat 6 times a day, which means I am not eating enough, but where do I add food, and what do I take out cuz I'm not really hungry?

I hear you should NOT eat 2 hours before bed, which I am close to since I go to bed around 11pm.  But what if it's later than 9pm, do I eat a snack anyway, or do I go to bed later to keep the window, or do I not snack and skip a "meal" so to speak???

What if I'm not hungry by 9pm?  Do I not snack?

How big of a snack is really required to count as eating if I'm not hungry?  Could a slice of cheddar be enough, or do I need 1/2 cup size? 

Do I need a protein with every eating time?  Or would veggies or fruits be enough?

Does a smoothie count as eating?  If I were to make a fruit smoothie for a snack does that count?

Thanks to all for your help, and for listening today :):):)

Food journal - January 23, 2012

Breakfast -
1 scrambled egg w/ ham, peppers, red onion, swiss cheese
Toast w/ butter spread (still trying to get rid of stuff, then I'll switch to real butter only :)

Lunch -
Chipotle - One of my absolute favorite places to eat.  I had a Barbacoa bowl (shredded beef) with Brown rice, black beans, fajita veggies, corn salsa, green chile salsa, sour cream (I said it before I thought about it, next time I will omit), lettuse.  The best part was I couldn't finish it.  I was full less than 2/3 of the way through YAY!!!  So I brought the leftovers home. 

Snack -
Handful of trail mix, as I was really busy yesterday

Dinner -
Rotiserrie Chicken from the grocery store (there was a sale, if you bought ten pasta packs, you get a free chicken)
Creamy chicken rice from Knorr (not great but I had a small portion)
Green beans with butter (from a no salt added can - still hard to get the kids to switch to fresh)
All said and done, dinner for the whole family cost about $2.60 and we have leftovers :):):)  So I at least accomplished my "don't break the bank" goal :):):)

Evening Snack -
Whole Wheat pita chips
garlic hummus

Water -
4 - 24oz cups water
2 1/2 cups of coffee
0 - soda

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food Journal - January 22nd, 2012

Breakfast -
Breakfast on the go pack

Lunch -
Leftover Chicken stir fry, and left over cheesy veggies

Snack -
Garlic Hummus with Whole Wheat Pita chips
2 bites of a brownie

Dinner -
Cheeseburger salad - AKA a cheeseburger with no bun :)  93% ground beef with a slice of american cheese.  Nestled on a bed of lettuse, sliced pickles, red onion, mayo and mustard.
Sweet potato fries - with natural sea salt
green peppers w/ ranch veggie dip

Snack -
???  dunno yet

Water intake -
1 cup of coffee
2 32 oz. cups of H2O
0 - soda

Food Journal - January 21st, 2012

Breakfast -
I scrambled 3 eggs, but only 2 yolks with peppers, ham, mozz cheese.  I split them with SB (My youngest is the Snuggle Bug around here :):):)

Lunch -
Since it was Pinewood Derby day, I had a hot dog with a Rice Krispie Treat (to support the girl scouts ;)

Snack -
Brownie, again still at pinewood derby so I bought a brownie from the Girl scouts

Dinner -
Grilled Chicken
Ranch potatoe/cauliflower mix - typically I make Ranch potatoes that are baked.  I mixed them with cauliflower to cut down on the carbs.  Not to shabby, 2 of three kiddos didn't mind
Steamed veggies with cheese (the frozen steam packs), I ate only broccoli with cheese

Snack -
Air popped popcorn - with real unsalted butter, and a bit of popcorn salt

Water intake -
1 - coffee
2 - pepsis (courtesy of the Girl Scouts)
3 - 24oz. of H2O

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Food Journal - January 20th, 2012

Breakfast -
Planters nut-ritious bar

Lunch -
So here's the deal, I was working downtown yesterday right next to my favorite restaurant.  Of course I had to have lunch.  But let me tell you what I would normally eat.  First Hubby and I usually share the Jambalya as an appetizer, then I eat way more than what I should of the bread and butter they serve (cuz the food it hot, and the bread helps it not be so spicy, and of course it's really yummy :).  Then I would order a full portion of the Blackened Chicken Diane with Jambalya instead of the dirty rice.  I can typically eat it all, however I try usually really hard to save some to bring home for the next days lunch (since it comes with two chicken breasts) but not always.  So it makes my order from yesterday SLIGHTLY better.

I ordered a 1/2 order of the blackened chicken diane, with Jambalya, NO appitizer.  When the waitress asked if I would like some bread I said NO!!!  Huge step for me in and of itself.  The really impressive part for me, was not that I ate half of what I normally would, but at the end I was full, REALLY full which is new.  I don't get "full" easily, and I really should have brought some of it home for left overs, but I endulged :(:(:( and enjoyed the meal.  So if for nothing else, I am happy my stomach is getting smaller to where less food is making me fuller easier.  The meal did come with a variety of steamed fresh veggies (brocoli, carrots, and zuchini), 1 red potato, and the the chicken came on a bed of Jambalya with peppers, sausage and all sorts of yummy stuff, with sauteed mushrooms on top.

Snack -
Small handful of trail mix as I was still full from lunch

Dinner -
1/2 whole wheat pita with chicken, swiss cheese, green peppers, lettuse and cucumber dip in it
5 Carrs crackers

Evening snack -
bowl of popcorn

Water intake -
3 - 24oz cups of water
2 - cups of coffee
1 1/2 fountain diet pepsis
I was in need of caffiene today because my son was up sick all night, and of course mom was also up all night.  I had to work a full day (Dad worked from home with a sick KK) so I needed the energy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Food Journal - January 19th, 2012

Breakfast -
"Breakfast on the go" pouch

Lunch -
Whole wheat pita w/ grilled chicken, green pepper, cheddar cheese, lettuse, and cucumber yogurt dip
Green peppers w/ veggie dip

Snack -
I was hungry today, don't know why.
12 pita chips with garlic hummus
1/2 cup of trail mix

Dinner -
Lemon Pesto Chicken (it needed more pesto, but was fast to cook)
Whole Wheat Linguine
Salad with spinach, and other veggies.  Ranch dressing

Water intake -
4 - 32oz. glasses of water
1 - Cherry Coke (my throat was scratchy, and it simply sounded good)
1 - Large glass of milk

Food Journal - January 18th, 2012

Breakfast -
4 mini quiches
1 pack "breakfast on the go" nuts, raisons, and granola I think.

Lunch -
Whole Wheat pita with grilled chicken, slice of ham, green pepper, lettuse and cucumber yogurt dip
5 Triscuits, and chedder cheese slices

Snack -
12 whole wheat pita chips with garlic hummus

Dinner -
Chicken Stir Fry with low sodium soy sauce
Brown Rice

Water intake -
2 cups of coffee w/ cream and splenda
4 - 32oz of water
1 - 16oz glass of milk

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Food Journal - January 17th, 2012

Breakfast -
6 mini quiches

Lunch -
I went to a friends house for lunch and instead of our typical "Chinese" take-out, she made us a nice healthy lunch (thanks for the support DM).
Turkey sandwich on toast, w/ lettuce and mayo
Strawberries dipped in Vanilla yogurt (this was really yummy, I'm going to keep this idea in my back pocket)
a couple pita chips.

Snack -
Whole Wheat pita chips
Garlic hummus

dinner -
Meatloaf & mashed potatoes/cauliflower
Ceaser Salad

Water intake:
4 - 32 oz glasses of water
1 - coffee
1 lg. glass of milk

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Journal - January 16th, 2012

Breakfast -
8 mini quiche
2 lg. cups coffee

Lunch -
Chicken Veggie soup w/ 5 saltines

Snack -
Brownie (I've had brownies in my house twice in the last week for DD, I've only eaten one small one.  Not to bad :)
Cheese Stick (to try and balance out the sugar a bit)

Dinner -
Leftover Chicken Cattitore

Evening Snack -
1/2 cup Trail mix - I made this tonight after going to the grocery store (and using all my money saving coupons btw :).  It has peanuts, raisins, craisons, raisonets (w/ dark chocolate), almonds, peanut M&M's (w/ dark chocolate) and a handful or plain M&M's cuz I have them in the house.

Water intake -
WAY more than I can count.  Lost track :)
2 cups coffee
1 - glass of milk
0 - soda (I actually even had one in my hand cuz I was going to drink it, and realized I didn't even want it :):):):):):):):):)

Exercise -
2 mile walk  - I dropped my car off at the Firestone by my house for an Oil Change.  I walked the trail home.  One reason, because it is windier so it is longer (1 1/2 miles on the road) and two because it has more hills (more resistance :):):) 

Overall, I'm happy with my day.  I feel like I'm still eating too much.  Maybe because I'm eating less, but more often, but I feel like I'm over doing it, but I am really trying to watch my portion size.  Maybe I'll knock it down, just a bit tomorrow, and see if I'm hungry?  Don't know, but I'll see ;):):)

I am not counting pounds!!!

I am not counting pounds on this journey, in fact I do not even OWN a scale.  This is all about feeling good, being healthy, and looking good in my clothes (or looking good in my new clothes as the ones I currently own will not fit me by the end :):):). 

I have always been someone who weighs more than I look.  I don't know why that is, if it's muscle mass, or bone density, or whatever it is but I have won every bet I've ever entered regarding my weight.  Even when I was bone thin in HS I weighed WAY more than anyone would guess.  A year or so ago I went on an exercise binge.  I was at the gym 4-5 days a week.  Usually for Zumba, but I did Step twice a week, Zumba twice a week, basic aerobics, added in some weights on occasion, and even doubled classes with step then body pump, or Zumba then yoga, etc.  I did this for almost 6 months fairly consistently.  In that time, according to the scale at the gym I lost 3 lbs.  I lost some inches, and my pants were starting to fall off.  My muscles were starting to show, but I was not losing belly fat :(:(:(  Needless to say, because of the scale, I was getting very discouraged.  I know logic says muscle weighs more than fat, and that was some comfort, but you'd think I would have lost SOMETHING since I have a LOT to lose. 

So that being said, this time, NO SCALE!!!  I want to be happy when my jeans fall off, and not discouraged when the scale doesn't move.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Food Journal - Day 11 - January 15th, 2012

Breakfast -
Scrambled Eggs - I made for eggs, only one with a yolk, and only ate half cuz I shared it with my kiddos.  The eggs had a sliced of crumbled (low sodium) bacon, green pepper, onion, mozz cheese, and cheddar cheese.
1 slice whole grain toast with butter spread

Lunch -
Leftover meatloaf, mashed tators (with cauliflower :), and a bit of corn and gravy

Snack -
handful of blueberries
5 slices of Cheddar cheese
5 triscuits
a small handful of MIL's trail mix (raisins, peanuts, peanut m&m's, and I don't know what else)

Dinner -
2 slices of pizza (DD has friends over celebrating her birthday, so her choice) compared to my usual 4 slices of Little Ceasars pizzas
Side salad with Italian dressing, green peppers, and parm. cheese.

Evening snack -
Microwave popcorn

Water intake -
2 lg. cups coffee
4 - 32oz cups water
0 - soda

Exercise -
30 minutes of Zumba ;):):)  Back at it, now to get back in shape :)

I am WAY out of shape!!!

Today I started back exercising.  If you read my original post you know that I had a minor (girl) surgery in December, and wasn't supposed to exercise until Friday, January 13th, 2012.  So today I decided that it was time I jump back on the wagon.  HOLY COW!!!  I'm so out of shape, I barely made it through the warm up on my Zumba DVD and I was getting sweaty and winded.  It wasn't that long ago, I could do the entire DVD and feel like I could do it again.  So I made it through 30 minutes of Zumba, and was melting, and exhausted :(:(:( 

Well, I'm back on the wagon now :):):)  Feels good to be moving again, and starting my new ME out right :):):)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 10 - Food Journal - January 14th, 2012

Okay, not a good day -

Breakfast -
NONE :( 

Lunch -
Left over Chicken & Vegetable soup

Snack -
handful of Blueberries
5 slices of Cheddar Cheese
5 Triscuits

Dinner -
Homemade Chicken Cattitore with Whole Wheat Egg Noodles

Evening Snack -
12 whole wheat pita chips (serving size says 12 chips :)
Heaping tablespoon of Garlic lovers hummus (Serving size says 2 tbls.)

Water intake:
2 Cups coffee
Approximately 50oz of Water (not sure, dropped my favorite water cup.  It broke and spilled :(
1 16oz glass of milk
0 - soda :):):)

Food Journal - Day 9 - Friday, January 13th, 2012

Breakfast -
8 mini quiche

Lunch -
Leftover Peppersteak with a smidgen of brown rice - It was in a regular size bowl vs. my typical large one :)

Snack -
8 Carrs crackers and cucumber, garlic, yogurt dip

Dinner -
Meatloaf - made from 93% lean ground beef (this is KK's favorite meal, so you know you gotta do what you gotta do :)
Mashed potatoes - I tricked them :):):)  Approximately 1/4 of the potatoes were actually cauliflower.  I didn't tell any of them, and no one noticed!  I couldn't even tell, and I knew they were in there.  Next time, 1/2 will be cauliflower to see how far I can go before anyone can tell :) 
Gravy - I know BAD, but I used 1/2 fat free, and I didn't make my plate a soup bowl like normal, so that was a bonus
Corn - Canned low sodium corn

Snack -
WELL, it was Bunco night.  I have one night a month I go out with some girlfriends and snack.  I did pretty well.  Actually, a couple of people brought healthy options because they were thinking of me :):):)  Thanks ladies :):):)  So I had a variety of the following:
1 - lemon cookie
Fresh salsa w/ tortilla chips (healthy without the chips, so I used heaps of salsa, less chips :)
Cowboy dip w/ tortilla chips (also healthy without the chips, but I wasn't going to eat it with a spoon)
7 layer dip w/ tortilla chips
couple pretzels out of the chex mix
Crystal light
I only went back for more 1 time, and only had a bit of salsa and cowboy dip when I did. 
YAY me!!!

Water intake -
4 - 16oz. cups water
Approximately 32oz. of crystal light
2 large cups of coffee
Large glass of milk with dinner (btw I realized last night I drink milk with dinner every night and haven't written it down yet, oops :)
0 - soda, count that again 0000000000000 sodas :):):)