Weight Loss Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Food Journal - January 19th, 2012

Breakfast -
"Breakfast on the go" pouch

Lunch -
Whole wheat pita w/ grilled chicken, green pepper, cheddar cheese, lettuse, and cucumber yogurt dip
Green peppers w/ veggie dip

Snack -
I was hungry today, don't know why.
12 pita chips with garlic hummus
1/2 cup of trail mix

Dinner -
Lemon Pesto Chicken (it needed more pesto, but was fast to cook)
Whole Wheat Linguine
Salad with spinach, and other veggies.  Ranch dressing

Water intake -
4 - 32oz. glasses of water
1 - Cherry Coke (my throat was scratchy, and it simply sounded good)
1 - Large glass of milk

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