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Thursday, February 16, 2012

So excercise KICKED MY BUTT!!!

First I want to tell you about my appointment with the personal trainer.  I have mentioned before about my crazy hectic life.  Truthfully, I like it that way.  I am one of those people if I am busy all the time, then I get more done.  If I have nothing to do, I get nothing done.  Needless to say, I had slotted out 3 times this week that I was going to work out.  First of those time slots was Tuesday, I recieved a call from my new gym stating that with my new membership I was entitled to a free session with a personal trainer.  I thought, great, he'll show me around the gym, introduce me to all the equipment, and set me up with a work out plan besides my cardio favorites.  So 8:30am, I rush to the gym to meet with the PT.  We go into an office, which I completely expected, assuming we would go over the typical, what are your goals, any health issues, type of questions.  We did, however, we ended up talking about my diet, and things I can change there, and the schedule for when I can workout (Cardio, weight train, cardio weight train) schedule, etc.  I knew that he had a 10am appt. and he had fully warned me over the phone that he was a talker (as am I) and that his appt. tend to run over an hour due to that.  I was good, I had 1 1/2 hours slated for my PT session.  However, after our talking, and it seemed like a while, I began to wonder when we were going to go out to the gym.  I looked down at my watch, and it is now 8 minutes to 10am.  OMG!!!  We didn't work out.  I just spent an hour and a half with a guy in his office, and not once did we touch a piece of equipment.  I expected to do a BMI test, and maybe a flexibility test, SOMETHING!!!  Not just sit and talk about working out, and diet.  I was very disgruntled when I left.  He never once even mentioned going on the floor.  WHY DID I GO TO THIS GUY????   At the YMCA (our old gym) you received a FREE personal training session with at PT once a year (I believe it was) and when I did that, they took you around the floor, showed you the proper way to use all the equipment, it wasn't a full workout, but it was more than talking!!!  They would do the BMI test, and tell you where your goals should be, etc.  I expected something similar to that, but nope, not anything.  Needless to say, I then had to go work, and so I didn't have time to work out after my appointment.  I would have simply said NO had I known what I was getting into.  Can we say "NOT HAPPY".

Well so now I'm half way through the week, and NO excercise has been done.  Not for lack of going to the gym, but still nothing done.  So Wednesday, I went to Zumba.  In case you didn't know Zumba is my all time favorite class to take.  I love the music, and the moves, I love the feel of it, and the party style atmosphere.  It really is right up my alley.  Well this was the first class I have taken with a different instructor.   It was okay, I really liked her song choices, but it was a little more plyometric Zumba than  I'm used to.  Not nearly enough booty shaking.  I don't think we did a Bato until over 1/2 way through the class (if you take Zumba you know Bato's signature move).  It was fun, and upbeat, just not what I expected.  I was, however, sore after, so that part is good.  Then after my workout, and lunch, I had to go to work.  I worked on a house for this lady where every piece of furniture in her house is an antique.  You know what that means, it's HEAVY!!!!  We moved a lot of furniture from room to room, up and down stairs, as well as boxes, and other stuff.  It turned out really well, and she seemed really happy after the fact, but it was A LOT of work!!!

Can we just say, I'm not walking the most lady like today.  My legs (mostly my inner thighs oddly enough) are really sore. 

I have to work again tomorrow morning, which was supposed to be my 3rd slated time for the week, but that is not going to happen.  I am not sure how long I will have to work tomorrow morning so maybe after, but I have other things I need to work on as well tomorrow.  Maybe Saturday morning?  We shall see.  Do you think if I'm moving a ton of furniture tomorrow to that it counts as a workout?  Can't hurt at least right?  Better that watching soap operas :):):)

Anyway, trying to fit exercise in is tough, but I'm trying.  If I plan for it, than it does better, but making money is more important at the moment, so sometimes, exercise gets bumped :(


  1. Hi Misty,
    I personally never had luck when I joined a gym. I had a hard time motivating to get there, and there always seemed to be more important things I needed to do (and this was before I was married and had kids and a full-time job). It was way too easy to come up with excuses and procrastinate. A couple of years ago, Tony and I decided we needed to get our acts together and get in shape. He had an elliptical machine from before, and we invested in another one for me. We set them up in our guest room with a tv and dvd player. Working together, and sometimes forcing the other to get on a machine, we both got in shape. Now, I have to admit, that we had fallen off the wagon over the last year or so. I was able to keep my weight pretty stable over that time because I had changed my diet a lot and had stuck with it. Tony had gained a lot back and needed to get back on track with exercise and diet. For the last month, we've been forcing ourselves to work out for 30 minutes every night. It's usually after the kids go to bed. On the nights I work late, we don't have a chance to work out until about 10pm, but we make ourselves. Trust me, it's the last thing I feel like doing at that point! However, he is down 15 pounds already and I'm down about 5. Tony read somewhere that it takes 21 straight days of doing something for it to become a habit. We have a calendar right in the workout room and we mark it off every day. It makes us accountable to ourselves. I must admit, it's MUCH easier doing this with a partner. There are days when one of us is just dog tired and that is when the other one can say, "c'mon, let's go." I guess what I'm saying is, that at least at first, if you aren't forcing yourself to exercise every day, it's probably not going to happen and you will be disappointed with the results. Just hit and miss isn't going to give you what you are hoping for. After you have established the habit, it's fair to take a day off here and there, but keeping a calendar can really make sure that you keep yourself on track. Trust me, I know how hard it is and I hope what I'm saying isn't discouraging to you. That isn't my intention AT ALL! You said you wanted people to be real and give honest feedback. I think it's great that you have goals, and I want you to be successful so that you can feel healthier and more fit. Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the honesty! I do want people to be honest with me, and I read everything for the spirit in which it was given. I do pretty well with the gym when I get into a class routine. I am hopeful with this new gym as I could probably name 10 people that go there. Every day since I've joined I've had someone ask me if I was going to the gym, or invite me to go with them. So that is helpful! I understand how exercising daily is good for some people, however I am not one. I would like to get into 4 days a week. If I can find a class that I don't want to miss, I will then do a 30 minute workout after. I did really well with the gym 4-5 days a week that way, up until last summers 3 weeks of vacation. I fell out of the routine. I am leaving town for a month in late June, but I'm hoping to find a crew to walk with and things up north. My first goal has been to change my diet, and I've done REALLY well with that thus far. I'm full faster, and not drinking pop. I'm not eating candy and junk either. So now I'm onto Step 2 which is exercise. I don't know what Step 3 will be, I suppose it depends how well I do with weight loss, and my goals with Step 1 & 2 :):):)

    Thanks so much for your advice and support, it means a lot to me :)
