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Monday, February 27, 2012

My workout soul-mate

So today I recieved a book in the mail from my friend Sara in Califonia (thanks Sara)!  Although I haven't read the whole thing, I did skim through some of the chapters just to check it out.  This list caught my eye, and I have to say I agree.  It's the book Push, by Chalene Johnson.  Here is what she wrote:

How you'll know you've found true love
I want you to know what it feels like when you find you soul-mate workout.  With this description as your guide, you'll know if you've found "it" or if you need to keep "dating" workouts.
  • Your soul-mate workout makes you feel you can do anything
  • Your soul-mate workout challenges you never to be complacent
  • Your soul-mate workout makes you fell alive, sexy, and young
  • Your soul-mate workout feels like a treat, even when it's brutal
  • When you're doing your soul-mate workout, you are surprised by how fast time passes
  • Your soul-mate workout clears your mind and calms your emotions
  • You can't help but endlessly talk about your soul-mate workout
  • Your soul-mate workout awakens your spirit
  • Your soul-mate workout gives you energy, creativity and drive
  • You look forward to your next workout
Your soul-mate workout is out there, waiting for you to find it.

This is how I feel about Zumba!  I can't seem to get enough.  That being said, I took my first Group Power class (weights put to music basically) and I'd have to say it fell right in the same catagory.  I really liked it.  I think it will take me a few classes to get where I know the right amount of weights to use as I think I used to many on the arm part, and not enough on the legs, but I was fairly close.  Don't get me wrong, I like the step classes to, but there is a definate emotional difference about them than the other two. 

Anyway, I thought it was a very good way to describe a work out that is right for you.  If you don't have that feeling towards your workout, its time to find a new one. 


  1. I'm glad there are bits of the book that will help you : ) Chalene is one of my biggest motivators is choosing a more positive and healthy life! If I have to argue with myself to workout then I'm not putting my all into it. I was going to spin classes for quite a while because they burn CRAZY calories but it really was a fight to go, I hated the classes! I LOOOOVE Zumba and TurboKick classes as well as Chalean Extreme and Les Mills Pump(both for my weight training). I have been through so many workouts over the years, I get bored easily, what can I say? : )

  2. Maybe we'll have to find a Zumba class in MI this summer :):):) I love Zumba as well, and the weight training class was fun, and much better than machines :) I took the Kick boxing class today, and I don't know if I liked it much. Alot of bouncing, and I'm not a fan of bouncing. Maybe because too much jiggles still :) If I didn't jiggle so much, I might like it better :):):) I'll let you know what else I find in there.

    1. I hear you on the jiggles, I was running this morning and lots of things jiggled-UGH!

      Zumba in MI with you sounds awesome : ) I prefer the weight training classes to the machines. I used machines for years but like the classes a lot more AND feel like I get a better workout!

    2. Beverly said she knows a great place. We'll have to give it a shot :)

  3. In case anyone cares :) I have determined I have no love for the Group Kick classes. I've taken a couple and just can't get into it. I don't know if it's the jumping or the punching, but it all feels unnatural to me. Maybe when I lose a little more weight and feel stronger I'll try it again.
