Weight Loss Progress

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Survived the In-laws

If you remember back when I started this process my in-laws had come to town on their way to Texas for the winter.  Well Sunday they came back by on their way home to Iowa.  Last time they had come through they brought us all this food, homemade candy, and junk that I was in the process of ridding from our lives.  Although grateful for their generosity, frustrated by the abundance of HFCS and other stuff that was brought in.  Anyway, this time they came through and brought us no food :)  In fact since I've was sick the three days before they came, I hardly had any food in the house :(  Then in true host-like fashion hubby and I had to go to work so we left them home with our three kiddos, no food, and no vehicle (theirs was connected to their giant camper parked up the road).  Needless to say, they ended up shopping in the camper for groceries and managed to scrounge up some lunch, but I felt really bad.  Thanks to the in-laws for feeding my kiddos :):):)  It truly is appreciated!  Since I'm the only one home for most lunches (if I'm not working) I just don't think about lunch food anymore.  Being Spring Break for the kids, and the in-laws being here, it wasn't such a great plan.  Oh well, I guess no one starved so that is good.

On the bright side I managed to eat fairly well even with company in town.  I ate left over eggs for breakfast one day, made the whole gang one of my protein smoothies, and then made 93% ground beef cheese burgers last night (which I had on a lettuce wrap), with Sweet potato fries, and a salad.

I haven't made it to the gym, or any exercise since Thursday.  A little bummed about it, but I was really sick Friday, and sick but swamped on Saturday.  Then Sunday was the mad scramble to clean for the in-laws :):):)  Monday I worked, and today well, the kids are out of school this week, and since they are not on my membership I won't be going unless I go at night.  Maybe the kids and I will walk to the park?  That would give me a couple of miles in at least and the kids would like it.  Now to convince them :):):):):):):):):):)

Remember if you would like to track my food intake, check me out on MyFitnessPal.com.  I'm really liking the ability to track my calories.  I have it set at 1450 calories, which SHOULD equal 1.5 lbs a week, HA!  Doubt that, I just don't lose pounds like that, but I'm trying to stick to it anyway and see what happens.  Next time I go to the gym I'm going to weigh in (I don't own a scale) and maybe an updated photo will be next.  I found a dress I want, but I want it in a smaller size :)  So I'm motivated :)

I hope you have a good week, talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest a measuring tape instead of the scale : ) And yes, more pics!
