I'm going in with a plan!
So tonight we are going to a football/birthday party. This is a HUGE danger zone for me. Last I saw they are expecting 90+ people. The people are not an issue for me, anyone who knows me might classify me as a "social butterfly" as I truly love and thrive in social settings. However, that being said, I also used to be a smoker (it's been 11 years since I quit so no longer even a minor issue for me) and now I have learned instead of standing around socializing and smoking I stand around and socialize and EAT!!! Have I mentioned my love affair with dip? I love to DIP, anything and everything. So since everyone is asked to bring a something I am certain there is going to be a ton of yummy stuff, and a large variety of DIP!!!
I have decided to go in with a PLAN! Since we are eating dinner there (I think it's some sort of brisket in BBQ if I remember correctly) I am going to plan for a rational portion control (which means no heaping plate, and no seconds for sure) on the meal portion regardless what is served. My mommy did teach me to eat whatever is served at someone elses house because that is the polite thing to do :). Then as the evening progresses with the temptations of the yummy dips I am going in with a game plan. I am going to scope out the healthiest options available and try to stick with those. I am not saying that I will not "sample" things but I am going to be aware of what is around me. I know, not on the "diet" but I did say that I was still going to live, and I know myself very well these days and I will never succeed at this if I NEVER allow myself some room when out with friends and the buffet of snacks is in my face.
Okay, hubby is on his way from the airport. I'm going in, armed and prepared for my temptations. Wish me luck, as I attempt to not throw it all down the toilet on Day 2 :)
Text me if you need a voice of reason!